In the pasts few weeks, Kodiak has seen rapid changes in response to the global pandemic of COVID-19. Students, parents, and educators are working remotely in new learning spaces. Events have been cancelled, businesses have temporarily closed their doors or moved to online shopping, and every trip to the grocery store requires neighbors to be aware of their distance from one another. Our response to the coronavirus public health threat requires a shared responsibility to protect the health of elders and those who are vulnerable to serious illness. We are hunkering down and staying home to protect community heath.
Recognizing that the arts have the power to spark joy, inspire action, and promote togetherness, the mayors of the City of Kodiak and Kodiak Island Borough are co-sponsoring a “Kodiak Strong” Poster Design Contest for local youth. Poster entries should highlight themes relating to Kodiak’s response to COVID-19 including (but not limited to) hand-washing, social distancing, staying home, playing outside safely, caring for elders, caring for others, health care worker appreciation, and more.
So grab your colored pencils, markers, crayons, paints, watercolors, or digital arts program, and design a poster showing how you and your family are staying “Kodiak Strong.”