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Kodiak Arts Council
Performances October 18, 19, 20 2013
Directed by Jared Griffin and Mike Wall
In some ways, M*A*S*H reminds us of Kodiak: both are isolated communities with great personal, cultural, and strategic importance; both reveal a unique community comprised of vibrant medical, military, Native, and Asian American groups; and both bear a comic spirit that is found nowhere else in the world.
And that's why we wanted to make this show our show- not Robert Altman's, not Alan Alda's- but Kodiak's M*A*S*H. So you'll see that reflected in our show: with contributions from our nearly 60-member cast and crew representing all walks of Kodiak life. It's watching all of these Kodiakans on stage that reminds us how important community, art, and humor are to our island family. If we were alive sixty years ago and caught up overseas in the Korean War, we would want these people up on stage running that M*A*S*H unit. (Well, not really, but we thought that would be a nice sentiment to throw at the actors. You know, make 'em feel good.)
Captain Burns proudly proclaims in Act I, "War is a serious matter." But what's even more worthy or proclamation, and something we believe this show reinforces: "Community is a serious matter." In fact, as the cast reflected on the meaning of the play, they noted that M*A*S*H unit 4077 is not merely a place built for physical healing, but that the strength of its character and legacy lies in its capacity to heal in other ways: spiritually, relationally, emotionally, and culturally. And in this show, humor is the heart of M*A*S*H's legacy and the catalyst for healing.
Photos by: Pam Foreman
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