Kodiak Arts Council
Kodiak Asphalt Art Initiative
Kodiak History Museum, Kodiak Arts Council, and the City of Kodiak are seeking qualified artists or artist teams to submit qualifications and work samples to design and implement an exterior, site-specific installation of original design for downtown Kodiak. The artwork will be a visual intervention in the Visitor Center parking lot, nearby crosswalks, and nearby sidewalks, connecting Kodiak’s ferry dock and visitor’s center and the museum district.
Complete details below; entry deadline is January 21, 2022.
Asphalt mural in Portland, Oregon.
Mural by Colleen Smith, Photo by Greg Raisman
Project Lead Entity: City Repair, Portland Bureau of Transportation.
Additional Resources
January 5 Artist Information Session PowerPoint
January 5 Artist Information Session Zoom Recording
February 7 Artist Information Session Zoom Recording
Kodiak Asphalt Art Initiative
Call to Artists: Request for Qualifications
Call Type: Public Art
Eligibility: Alaska artists
Entry Deadline: January 21, 2022
Budget: $3,000 artist stipend for design delivery for selected artist;
$250 artist stipend for design concept development for shortlisted artists
Contact Persons:
Katie Oliver
Executive Director
Kodiak Arts Council
(907) 486-7437
Lynn Walker
Kodiak History Museum
(907) 486-5917
Project Description
Kodiak History Museum (KHM), Kodiak Arts Council (KAC), and the City of Kodiak are seeking qualified artists or artist teams to submit qualifications and work samples to design and implement an exterior, site-specific installation of original design for downtown Kodiak. The artwork will be a visual intervention in the Visitor Center parking lot, nearby crosswalks, and nearby sidewalks, connecting Kodiak’s ferry dock and visitor’s center and the museum district.
Project Area
Project Goals
Transform the neighborhood with a visually appealing artwork that inspires and uplifts residents and visitors.
Improve walkability and wayfinding comprehension for foot traffic in the designated area.
The primary goal is to revitalize an underutilized public space, creating a pedestrian plaza for visitors and locals alike to enjoy. The artwork will be a defining and distinguishing feature of the neighborhood and a celebration of Kodiak. A successful design should reflect the identity of the waterfront neighborhood. Artists may look to the natural surrounds for inspiration, or to local architectural or cultural traditions.
The defining pattern in the artworks may be repeated as a wayfinding trail through the area crosswalks and the adjacent museum district. Final design concepts should be easily transferable using stencils or similar process.
This opportunity is open to professional visual artists living in Alaska who have the ability to create an exemplary large-scale public art installation. Prior public art experience is not a requirement, however artists should have demonstrated technical skills, and proven experience executing their ideas from concept to completion.
Submission for Procedures - Request for Qualifications Stage
Artists responding to this RFQ should submit a statement of interest, artist resume and work samples via email to katie@kodiakarts.org with Kodiak Asphalt Art Initiative in the subject line. Documents must be submitted as PDF files, and work sample images should be submitted as JPG files.
Statement of Interest. Explain why you are interested in creating an original design for the Kodiak Asphalt Art Initiative. Explain why you would be a good candidate and how your experience informs how you would respond to the goals of the project.
Artist Resume. Must include artist’s name, address, email, and phone number.
Work Samples. No less than five (5) and no more than ten (10) images of existing artwork to demonstrate completion of artwork at a comparable scale.
Questions about the project or submittal should be directed to the contact persons listed above.
Artist Information Session
An information session for artists interested in responding to the RFQ will be held via Zoom video conferencing on Wednesday, January 5, 2022, at 5:30 pm. Please see meeting link below to join.
Meeting ID: 897 6909 1301
Selection Process
The Asphalt Art Selection Committee will review qualified submissions. A short list of up to 4 (four) artists or artist-teams will be identified and contracted to develop a site-specific concept design, comprised of drawings and/or digital renderings with accompanying text as necessary, that responds to the scope and goals of the project. Each artist or artist team will be invited to an interview with the selection committee to present and discuss their designs. The shortlisted artists or artist-teams will receive a $250 stipend in compensation for the concept design work following successful submission of design concepts. The Selection Committee will identify one design concept for further development and implementation at the site.
Evaluation Criteria
The selection of shortlisted artists or artist teams from the RFQ submissions shall be based on whose qualifications best meet the goals and scope of the project. In making those determinations, the Asphalt Art Selection Committee will consider the following evaluation criteria:
Excellence - Artists’ submitted work samples are original, creative, and of high quality and enduring value. If cultural symbols are used, they are used respectfully and with knowledge of their cultural significance.
Experience - Artist or artist team has created and managed projects of a similar scale and budget, and has demonstrated experience collaborating with partners on a public art project.
Preference for Kodiak Island artists or artist teams may be considered.
Selection Process Timeline
RFQ Released - Late December, 2021
Artist Information Session (Virtual Via Zoom) - January 5, 2022
RFQ Artist Submissions Due - January 21, 2022
Shortlisted Artist Selection - Late January, 2022
Shortlisted Artist Concept Design Development - Late January - Late February 28, 2022
Shortlisted Artist Information Session - February 4, 2022
Shortlisted Artist Concept Design Submission Due - February 28, 2022
Shortlisted Artist Interviews - March 7 - 11, 2022
Final design selection - Mid-March 2022
This project is made possible by the Bloomberg Philanthropies Asphalt Art Initiative with additional support from the Rasmuson Foundation, City of Kodiak, and local partners.